Easy installation and short working period
DurkeeSox® duct system assembled by production, fast and easy to install, simply system with less accessory.
Evenly & Comfort Air delivery in working post
DurkeeSox duct system be ar-ranged on top of working po-st with evenly and continuous air delivery by linar type thro-ugh jet holes that can control the terminal wind speed pre-cisely.
Easily for cleaning and maintenance, healthy & environmental
DurkeeSox® duct system easy for dismounting and cleaning, is a kind of healthy and envi-ronmental production which could be cleaning completely by normal washing machine.
Aesthetical and superior
DurkeeSox® duct system with simply designed straight duct and layout, much colour options, aesthetical and elegant appearance.
High cost-effective
The design program of DurkeeSox® duct syst-em is more simple than the traditional metal duct system, and easily and replace the metal duct, air valves, air diffusers and insulation ma-terial etc, light weight with easily installation and transportation that can save the total cost.
From heavy duty machinery factory to light industrial machinery factory, from cutting process to precise casting, from general process to special process, DurkeeSox® duct system apply to different kinds of workshops of machinery factories. The advantages of short engineering period, evenly air delivery on production line, simple and aesthetical with high cost performance etc captu-red the fancy of lots machinery factory entrerprises. DurkeeSox® duct system will replcae the traditional metal duct system very soon in future and become the prior choice of machinery manufacturing factories.