We guarantee the life cycle of DurkeeSox fabric air dispersion system will be 15 years from the date of installation in condition of being straightly followed the following terms:
1. The installation work be done under ”DurkeeSox Installation Manual” and other related technical instructions;
2. Operation environments including but not limited to;
2.1 Operation temperature ranges from -53 to 100 degree;
2.2 Never expose to harmful chemical agents or volatile substance;
2.3 Never expose to harmful grease or ointment;
2.4 Away from abnormal Ozone erosion;
2.5 Away from abnormal ultraviolet irradiation;
2.6 Other special operating environment which be approved by DurkeeSox Technical Center;
2.7 Free from other improper usage;
3. Be straightly complied with the technical solutions which were issued by DurkeeSox for fabric model selection and maintenance.